Master Thesis at Telenor

Are you a master, bachelor, doctoral or PhD student, studying a technical education? Each term, we welcome students to write their thesis here. At Telenor, you have the possibility to write your thesis on subjects like 5G, AI, technical processes or other subjects related to network or IT.


Why write your thesis at Telenor?

With us, you don't just get to build advanced platforms, design infrastructure and ensure that our data is used in a correct and competitive way. Working with IT and technology at Telenor means so much more.

Right now, we are carrying out the biggest network modernization in our history. We are dissembling the 2G and 3G networks, rolling out 5G and improving the 4G network to last for many years to come. At the same time, we are in the middle of the biggest digital shift of all time. AI, cloud and data are changing the way we think, make decisions and achieve our goals.

As an engineer, analyst, data scientist, technician, architect or developer at Telenor, you are at the forefront of technology. Together, we solve complex challenges that bring us closer to a more connected and interconnected society. Will you join the journey?

How do I apply?

Thank you for your interest in our program. The application period for 2025 is currently closed. We will update this page with information about the application process for 2026.